by admin | Oct 21, 2021 | Swindon Massage Spas
Most people believe that any type of massage has to hurt in order to be effective. You’ll be happy to know that the saying, “No pain, no gain” doesn’t apply for massages. Sometimes the most effective massages are the ones that don’t cause you any pain.
Typically, people get deep tissue massages if they have chronic pain. Specifically, with the deep tissue massage many people have reported that they are much more relaxed and at ease after the massage if no pain was endured during it.
Not everyone should get a deep tissue massage. It is one of the more “involved” and “intense” massages so it’s not for everyone. Some people simply like the feeling of greater pressure to their deeper muscles. Deep tissue massage therapists in Swindon will be happy to have this helpful conversation with you when you visit a massage spa.
Pain versus Discomfort
Muscles naturally deflect pain from your body. If your muscle ever feels as if your body is about to be injured in any way, that reflex to deflect the pain is stimulated. If your massage therapist is ever applying too much pressure, your muscles tighten together to naturally counterattack the force. However, it should be known that this is the opposite of what a massage should be doing for your body. A massage is meant to relieve the tension of your muscles so if you feel as though the massage therapist is applying too much pressure for comfort, ask them to relieve some of the pressure.
Don’t go into the massage thinking there won’t be discomfort, though. Pain and discomfort are two different things. People like to describe discomfort as a “good hurt” – especially in the realm of getting a massage. But when you experience pain during a massage, it is said to be something the body cannot bear and very uncomfortable.
Everybody has different tolerances for pain, so a massage that is painful for one person may not be painful for you. If you find that your massage therapist isn’t working between your tolerance levels for pain, then it’s important that you say something. Massages should almost never cause you physical pain and very rarely is it okay for you to be left with marks on your body afterwards.
If you have never gotten a massage, it is strongly recommended that you don’t get a deep tissue massage as your first massage. Ease your way into this massage and start with something easier and less intense. Remember that a massage is the most effective when you are completely relaxed and at ease while getting the massage. The massage therapists in Swindon will be able to discuss your therapy extensively before the treatment commences.
by admin | Oct 18, 2021 | Swindon Massage Spas
Self-confidence is something that a lot of people struggle with. It’s important that you overcome being self-conscious about yourself because it’s vital that you realize you’re beautiful.
No one should ever make you feel differently, including your own self. If you are feeling self-conscious during a massage, there are ways to combat that. Here are five ways to feel less self-conscious during a massage.
1. Acknowledge and Accept That Feeling of Insecurity
Don’t shame yourself for feeling that way. Everyone, at some point in their lives, feels insecure about something. So always remember that you aren’t alone in that aspect. Have an understanding that this feeling is coming from a place of old and imprecise stories from the past. Find it within yourself to create a new story that doesn’t make you feel so little towards yourself.
2. Not Everyone Is as Concerned about You as You Are
Whenever we feel most self-conscious we have this feeling that everyone is looking at us and is judging us in some way. But they are NOT! It’s all in your head. We are truly the only ones that are obsessed with ourselves and our little imperfections. Everyone else is concerned about their own selves so they’re too busy to even notice the feature of yours that you believe isn’t good enough.
You have to remember that you are beautiful and that you are your own worst critic. When you start to realize that people aren’t secretly judging you and that it is all in your head, that awful feeling of self-consciousness goes away.
3. Take Chances
You’re feeling self-conscious anyway, so why not do something you wouldn’t normally do? What do you have to lose? So just go ahead and get the massage done. You will be so relaxed you probably won’t even realize that there’s only a towel between you and the massage therapist.
4. Change Your Focus and Attention to Other People
The most effective way to rid yourself of that feeling of self-consciousness is to just not listen to the negative thoughts that you think about yourself. Instead, reverse the focus on yourself and point it towards others in a loving way.
5. Just Have Fun with It
If it’s awful you don’t have to go again. And it’s not like you’re likely to see any of these people ever again in your life. So just tell yourself, what have I got to lose? Get out of your head and let yourself relax – because after all, that’s what a massage is all about.
An important life lesson to learn is that no one is as critical of you as you are to yourself. Be confident in yourself and remember that you have to ignore those negative thoughts about yourself that may like to invade your mind. You are beautiful and if you remain confident about yourself, other people will notice and you’ll soon realize that the dreadful feeling of being self-conscious is gone. If you practice these steps, you’ll find yourself being a lot happier and a lot less stressed.
by admin | Oct 18, 2021 | Swindon Massage Spas
Before getting a massage, your therapist at any Swindon massage spa needs to know about you. Do you have any health conditions? What is your pain tolerance? These are just examples of things that your massage therapist is going to need to know about you to ensure that your massage is relaxing and is as pleasurable as possible.
1. Health Conditions
Things like chronic pain are things that you need to tell your massage therapist about. There are different types of massages they can use to alleviate the pain and the symptoms that are brought upon by chronic pain. A deep tissue massage would help chronic pain the most, as the massage focuses more on the muscles.
You will also need to be sure you tell them if you have a cold or any contagious illness. It’s only fair if you warn them that you may be contagious, because most likely they won’t want to become sick and risk their other clients getting sick too.
Tell them of any allergies you have. If you have an allergy to an ingredient in one of the lotions or oils, they need to know to ensure they don’t use them on you.
2. What You Are Getting a Massage For
Are you stressed? Do you have a condition for which the symptoms can be relieved by massage therapy? Not knowing why you’re there is hard on the massage therapist, as they don’t know exactly how they can help you.
3. Medications Being Taken
Some medications if combined with a massage can be fatal. For example, if you are taking blood pressure medication and your therapist doesn’t know this, your blood pressure will decrease and you will become dizzy. Similarly, the use of blood thinners may result in bruising and internal bleeding if not considered
4. How Much Pain Can You Handle?
If you don’t tell your massage therapist about your pain tolerance, you may find that you’re in a lot of pain – especially if your pain tolerance is very low. It’s important that you let them know how much pressure you can handle because something that may not be painful to somebody else, may be extremely painful for you.
On the flip side, if you can handle pain, you need to tell your massage therapist that too. You don’t want them to not apply enough pressure and not get the full experience of a massage. You want a massage to work and for it to be worth your money.
5. The Number of Times You’ve Gotten a Massage
Obviously they don’t need the exact number of times you’ve gotten a massage, but if they know that you’ve had multiple massages, they know that you can handle a little more intense of a massage than the “introductory” massage known as the Swedish massage.
It’s extremely important that your massage therapist is warned about these things. Their main goal is to ensure that your massage is the best that is can possibly be. If you don’t tell them that you can’t handle pain, then you may walk away from you massage feeling very sore. Massages should be relaxing, so ensure that you provide your massage therapist with all the tools to make it as relaxing as possible for you.