Preparing Your Garden for the Winter

Some people believe that when the weather starts getting colder and the
leaves start to fall, it is time to put away the gardening tools and wait
until next spring to work on their garden again. Wrong. Winter is an
important time to maintain your garden’s health and assure yourself a good
crop for next year. You may think that might take to long to prepare your
garden, but the truth is that it takes less than one day to prepare your
garden for the upcoming winter.

When the nighttime temperatures drop to less than forty-five degrees
Fahrenheit for more than four days in a row, or frost is forecasted for
your area (usually around late October or November) you know its time to
begin preparing your garden. You should begin by evaluating your garden
design, check which plants grew well in the past season, and which plants
did not do well. Fall is a good time to decide which plants will remain in
you garden next year, and which ones should go.

It is also a good time to decide which new plants you want to grow. To
make your garden more colorful and healthy, be sure only to plant the more
hardy plants during the fall so that they can withstand the winter. Some
plants that will do fine being planted in fall are: rudbeckia, Aster
Novi-belgii, Anemone Japonica, panicle hyandea, endive, escarole, and
Brussels sprouts. You can find all of these and more in gardening
magazines or your local nursery.

After you have finished this you should begin cleaning up your garden.
Begin by pulling out weeds that may have cropped up, and raking fallen
leaves. Weeds and rotten leaves can carry insects and diseases that might
be harmful to your garden. You should also rid your garden of spent annual
plants, and harvest your vegetables and other plants that cannot withstand
the winter weather. After fall has come and gone, the leaves will be off
your trees and you can see the rotten branches. Trimming off the unwanted
branches from your trees isn’t necessary to your gardens health, but may
help later on by not dropping branches on your plants and not blocking too
much of the sun.

If you have younger trees you should consider wrapping them and supporting
them with stakes to help them survive the winter wind and cold. Putting
mulch over your garden for the winter can be a helpful way to protect
plants from sudden temperature changes and heavy snow. For mulch you can
use about five inches of shredded bark, pine needles, or a variety of
other materials. You have to be careful not to mulch too early, because
some insects may still be alive and able to take shelter in it for the

Once you are finished with your gardening tools you should clean them and
make sure they are in a safe place where they won’t rust and you know
where they’ll be for next year. Before winter comes you should always set
out slug repellent, as slugs are one of the worst bugs to have in your
garden. If you have a pool or fountain in your garden, be sure to take out
any fish that you have in them and bring them inside. There’s nothing
sadder than a fish frozen in a block of ice.

How To Save Money When Traveling By Air

Are you getting ready to take a trip? If you are, will you be traveling by air? If you will be, you may be nervous about the costs of doing so. Any type of travel can be expensive if you are not careful, but air travel can be the worst. With that said, it is important to know that there are ways that you can save money.

One of the best ways to save money when traveling by air is to compare airline fares. This allows you to save money right from the start. Also, if you have more than one airline to choose from, which most travelers do, be sure to price compare. Also, being flexible with the dates and times that you can fly can also result in a little bit of money saved.

Speaking of flights, be sure to choose an airport that is close to your final destination. This is important if you must rent a car or take a bus or a cab. Ending up close to your destination should result in saved money as well as saved time, by eliminating unnecessary travel. On that same note, you will want to experiment with airports that are close by. For example, did you know that a simple thirty minute drive may result in huge price gaps, depending on the airport in question?

As for packing your bags, be sure to know airport security rules. You will want to use your best judgment, but you can also learn more about airport security rules by visiting the online website for the TSA. Don’t pack anything that is sharp or buy a drink to take with you to the airport, unless it is for a child. Chances are, you will have to toss these items in the trash, which, essentially equals money lost.

Although you will need to be careful with bringing liquids to the airport, you will want to bring snacks with you. Most snacks are okay, as long as they are dry food. Great items include fruit, chips, and crackers. Stop and pickup some of these items at your local grocery store before your trip or, better yet, buy them when they are on sale. Snacks and candies are usually very expensive at the airport and their costs can easily add up

As for parking at the airport, see if you have a close friend or family member who can drop you off and pick up back up when you return. This will allow you to save yourself a considerable amount of money on parking, especially on extended trips. If you must drive yourself, like if your flight leaves or comes in when most people that you know are at work, be sure to examine all of your options. For example, outdoor parking is usually much cheaper, as opposed to indoor garage parking. Also, the farther away you are able to park, the less money you will likely have to pay.

If your flight has an in-flight movie and you want to watch, buy the headphones. Yes, this will cost a couple of dollars, but most standard headphones will not work with airport movies and seats. If you do buy the headphones though, be sure to save them, as you can use them on another flight, like your return flight. Also, if you already have a set of headphone that you purchased on an airplane before bring those, as they will likely work.

To save yourself a couple of pounds on headphones, don’t watch the movie. Instead, bring other stuff to keep you occupied. Great items include portable DVD players, laptop computers, books, magazines, music players, and portable gaming systems. When using electronic items, be sure to have extra batteries on hand. As for a laptop computer, charge your laptop at any layovers you have.

As you can see, there are a number of different ways that you can go about saving money on your next trip. In all honesty, as long as you use your best judgment and plan ahead, you shouldn’t have to incur to many additional costs.

Air Travel Tips for Families

Are you interested in taking a family vacation soon? If you are, you may be looking for some guidance, especially if you and your family will be required to travel by airplane. As stressful as it can sometimes be planning a trip and flying with a family, especially one that is large in size, there are a number of steps that can be taken to ensure that everyone has a fun and pleasant time.

One of the first things that you will want to do, when looking to plan a family vacation, is to make your airline reservations early. You will likely be better off when doing so, for a number of different reasons. Perhaps, the greatest reason is the comfort and peace of mind that you may get from knowing that all of your travel arrangements are made and out of the way.

As for packing for your flight, you will want to make sure that your children’s bag are packed and properly. Not only will you want to make sure that they have all needed supplies for your vacation, but you will also want to make sure that they have items for the airplane ride as well. Each person gets to have one carry-on bag. You will want to make sure that each of your kids have one.

Speaking of carry-on bags for your children, be sure to fill them will fun activities for the plane ride. What you will choose will all depend on your child’s age. For example, younger children may benefit from books and a few small toys. For older children, portable DVD players, handheld video games, toys, and magazines are a great idea.

You will also want to make sure that you have extra snacks on hand and in your carry-on bags. This is important, as you don’t want to have to spend too much money at the airport. It can get costly to feed a whole family, even just with snacks. For that same reason, try to have everyone eat a full meal before you leave for the airport. This step combined with snacks can help to reduce hunger, possibly resulting in shared meals during airport layovers, which can also help you save money.

As for drinks, do not bring any with you to the airport, unless you have a newborn or an infant. If you have a baby, bring one prepared bottle of formula, but make sure to have some dry formula powder with you to prepare during a layover. Drinks, with the exception of drinks for kids, are not allowed past airport security checkpoints and they will have to be thrown away. When buying drinks at an airport store, past security, look for items that are reasonably priced or see if some family members, like you and your spouse, can share a drink.

As for when you arrive at the airport, be sure to stay together. Also, be sure to set ground rules with your children. These rules should include sticking together, not speaking to strangers, and so forth. In fact, you will want to help each other out. For example, if you have an older child, like a teenager, let them help you with finding the right gate, carrying bags, or keeping any younger children occupied. Your trip will likely be much less stressful when everyone works together.

Barbeque Maintenance Tips

When purchasing your barbeque grill, think of it as an investment rather then just another item for your outdoor entertainment. You should expect this item to become a large part of your outdoor activities for many years to come. But like any other investments, proper maintenance and care is needed to ensure that your barbeque grill will work for you for many years to come. While some maintenance and cleaning is specific to the type of barbeque grill your own (gas, electric, charcoal or smoke barbecue grill), the majority of maintenance that should be carried on does not change from grill to grill.

Step 1- Gathering The Necessary Items

You will need some common household items on hand when it comes time to clean your barbeque grill.

Brass wire grill brush
Steel wool pads, preferably that contains soap already.
Mild dish soap
Sponge or dishcloth
Spray cooking oil
Dry baking soda
Aluminum foil

Step 2- Brushing Your Grill Off

The first thing that should always be done to your grill is a routine brushing. Using your brass wire grill brush (or other brush suitable to your type of grill) you should brush off all the surfaces. By routinely brushing your barbeque grill, you will prevent any type of buildup. If buildup from food is left to long, it can become increasingly difficult to remove.

Step 3- Spray Cooking Oil

Once you are sure that your grill is free of all buildup and debris, and that your grill is completely cooled off, you will want to spray it down with a light layer of cooking oil. Spraying it down with cooking oil will prevent your barbeque grill from rusting. It is especially important to make sure your barbeque grill is completely cold, as spraying cooking oil on a hot surface may cause the oil to heat up and ignite, which could be potentially dangerous to you and your barbeque grill.

Step 4- Use Baking Soda and Aluminum Foil on Your Grill

Baking soda is a very nice cleaning and polishing agent. Once you have removed any extra debris and buildup, lightly scrubbing your barbeque grill with baking soda will give it that extra shine, similar to the day that you brought it home from the store. This can also be used on handles and knobs to remove any extra buildup that cannot be taken off with a wire brush.

Aluminum foil can also be used to keep your grill looking nice. Gently rub the aluminum foil on your grill, and you will notice that it removes grim and buildup.

Step 5- Clean Your Racks

The racks in your grill are especially important as this is where the food touches when it is cooking. You will have to use the wire brush to remove as much buildup as possible. Once you remove as much as possible, start washing the racks with dish soap. If the racks are really dirty, you may also want to use the steel wool pads. Be sure to completely rinse off all soap and residue before cooking on these racks again.

Step 6- Preventing Problems

The majority of problems that arise from barbeque grills comes from lack of cleaning and maintenance. That means if you notice something does not seem quite right with your barbeque grill, chances are it can be fixed with just a simple cleaning. Even if you clean it, and still find that it is having problems, at least you saved yourself the potential embarrassment of taking it to a professional only to find out all it needed was to be cleaned.

Finally, one method of preventing problems with your barbeque grill is protecting it from the outdoors. Covers are available for grills in all shapes and sizes, so chances are, you will find one that fits your grill. If you have a cover for your barbeque grill, then all you will ever need to do is do the regular maintenance listed above.